Home | New product release: LoRa Modbus master transmitter

New product release: LoRa Modbus master transmitter

Enless Wireless is expanding its range of LoRa sensors with the arrival of a Modbus master transmitter, available for sale from June 2023!

The TX Modbus master transmitter opens up new possibilities for Enless integrators, as it will allow reading/writing of any type of Modbus slaves (e.g. energy meters, air handling units…).

The Modbus master transmitter will allow reading (or writing) in 60 Modbus registers, distributed over a maximum of 10 Modbus slaves. The definition of the registers to be read by the TX Modbus is done very easily from the receiver’s configuration server.

The Modbus master transmitter will be compatible with the Enless proprietary LoRa mode. The Modbus master transmitter will therefore send its information via radio to an Enless Modbus receiver (see below for an example of using the TX Modbus master device).

Example of architecture when using a TX Modbus master transmitter: