Dear clients and partners,
As we close the year 2023, we can only express our sincere gratitude to each and every one of you. Thanks to you, this year has once again been synonymous with growth for Enless, in a challenging context in terms of electronic component supply. We wanted to take a moment for a retrospective of 2023 and also share our outlook for 2024.
Global growth
In 2023, we delivered no less than 59,000 sensors to you, mainly from our LoRa(WAN) product range. This represents a 40% increase compared to the previous year, and naturally translates into a significant increase in revenue. We would like to thank you for the trust you place in us every day when deploying Enless sensors.
Export development
In 2023, the Enless teams participated in two major building automation trade shows in Europe: ISH in Frankfurt in May, and SBE in Milan in November (alongside our partner QuickLink Solutions). The share of export revenue increased by 12% and now represents 27% of total revenue. We also have more than 20 new partners in Europe since the beginning of 2023. This export development is expected to accelerate in the coming months with the upcoming release of a range of LoRa(WAN) products for use in the United States and Canada (see 2024 outlook section).
New team members
In 2023, you may have noticed new arrivals within the Enless team.
- Béatrice – Sales Administration Manager
- Nivethitha – Sales Administration Assistant
- Hamdi – Technical Support Engineer
The strengthening of our teams is part of a quality approach, in order to provide you with the best responses as quickly as possible.
2024 outlook
Human resources
New hires are planned for the first quarter of 2024, one to reinforce the product validation team, and another for future development planning.
Product range
This year will be marked by the release of new products. Indeed, our teams are currently working on the development of numerous new ambient and « room control » LoRaWAN sensors. The release of about ten new sensors is planned for the fourth quarter of 2024, more information will be provided by mid-2024. In parallel, our range of LoRa(WAN) sensors is also expected to expand with the release of a complete range that can be used in the United States and Canada (915MHz) by the end of the first quarter of 2024.
We thank you for your trust and look forward to new joint projects in 2024!
The Enless team