Home | Interview with Victor, Sales engineer at Enless Wireless

Interview with Victor, Sales engineer at Enless Wireless



Tell us what you have done since you joined Enless?

I joined Enless Wireless in 2015 during an end of course placement, after which I was given a permanent contract. What I did initially was extremely varied because Enless was only a small company. Among other things I handled a number of small sales roles, I also worked on aspects of the marketing (publication of documentation, website updates, creation of video tutorials, etc.) and technical support.

I worked my way up through the company, which has proven to be hugely beneficial as I now have a very good knowledge of how the company works. As the company has grown, my focus has shifted 100% to sales. I am currently key account manager for France and in charge of our distributor network in Northern Europe.







What is your role (or principal missions) within the company?

My role is to grow Enless’ sales, mainly through our key customer accounts. At the moment I have a portfolio of some fifty customers with whom I am in regular contact. I pay close attention to what they are looking for in terms of products, I am their initial contact person for any sales and 1st level support requests. In today’s context of component supply constraints, I also try and anticipate with these customer accounts future equipment orders in order to adapt our production levels appropriately. In terms of exports, I am responsible for building and heading our distributor network in Northern Europe.


What do you like most about working at Enless?

I like working in a human-scale company, where I feel I am really responsible for implementing the decisions made. I like being able to see every day how the investment and the work of everyone is having a direct impact on the company’s performance. Enless is positioned on two converging markets: the IoT and energy efficiency. This shift is also highly motivating, and the market is in a state of perpetual evolution, which makes the work dynamic and fascinating.


What project are you most proud of?

Of the projects that I am most proud, the first that comes to mind is my involvement in the development of our new range of LoRa(WAN) products. I believe that this is a truly comprehensive and highly innovative product range, both in terms of product references and in terms of the functionalities it supports and which simplify the installation process for our customers. During the development work for this product range, my role has been to act as the link between the needs as stated by our customers and our research and development teams. We have made sure we have taken into account for this new range all the comments we have received from our customers and I am convinced that these products are a huge success.


How has the company changed since you joined 6 years ago?

The company has been growing constantly. When I started at Enless, our turnover was around 500,000 euros with a workforce of two. Today, our turnover is in the region of 3 million euros with a team that has increased to eight people. I feel that in just over 5 years Enless has taken on an entirely new dimension. The company is structured at every level. Our sales team currently consists of three people (soon to be four), there is also a marketing team of two. Finally, we recently welcomed a new staff member for sales administration. The fact that the company is ISO 9001 certified means that, as a positive, it must have a structured work organisation. I can also see that we have won and maintained the loyalty of our historic customers, it really feels like we are headed in the right direction and that the DNA of Enless is globally appreciated.


Have you seen many changes since you entered the world of telecommunications (or of IoT?)?

Of course! Radio protocols have changed hugely, for the better, we offer ever more effective products in terms of radio and energy efficiency.
It is above all the arrival of the IoT that has really shaken things up. The environment has changed and a large number of companies have grown out of these new protocols (e.g.: LoRaWAN, Sigfox, etc.). We have seen many new players emerge, which has in turn driven us to constantly innovate and differentiate ourselves. Today, we are active in and managing reference IoT protocols such as Sigfox and LoRa(WAN). We have also maintained our commitment to automation dedicated radio protocols (Wireless M-Bus and LoRa).


What impact has the health crisis had on your work?

The year has been difficult for everyone but, considering the context, overall, we have managed to maintain a steady level of business. We are grateful for the confidence shown by our customers, who have also experienced serious complications, through this period. We are also feeling the impact of not being able to visit our customers for more than a year. Whilst Zoom meetings are extremely practical, they cannot replace human contact. In terms of our products, the health crisis has led to increased demand for new applications such as interior air quality measurements. We are proud to have been able to offer solutions for these problems (with our CO2/VOC/TEMP/HUM sensors) and thus help reduce the risk of the transmission of Covid, among others.


How have you organised your work as a sales engineer during this crisis?

In terms of work, we have access to all the tools needed to maintain and facilitate contact with our staff, with our logistics centre and our customers. We have encouraged remote working wherever possible. In response to the current situation, we have worked to implement new ways of communicating with our customers, and internally. We have, as a general approach, digitalised our processes.


And in conclusion, what are your ambitions for the future?

I want to be able to continue growing professionally and personally at Enless, a company based on values I very much share. Our current priority is to build our business in France alongside growing our export business. The export sector is a real growth vector for Enless and I want to further build our distributor network and foster the loyalty of existing members. Our target for 2024 is to achieve export sales accounting for 50% of total turnover. Enless is engaged on a logic of rapid, but controlled, expansion. Our ambitions are based above all on maintaining our excellent relationships with our customers and on being able to win over new equally satisfied customers in the future!


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