Home | Smart monitoring of gas consumption for Spanish households with Efiplus from Gashogar

Smart monitoring of gas consumption for Spanish households with Efiplus from Gashogar

What context for the energy sector in Spain?

Like many European countries, Spain’s energy sector has seen significant progress in technological innovation encouraged by a favourable legal and governmental context but also by increased competitiveness in this area.

In addition, faced with a substantial increase in electricity and gas costs in Spain over the last decade (+70%!), the search for new ways of improving energy efficiency has appeared essential.

Gashogar, major energy player in Spain, has committed to this with the launch of Efiplus

With more than 50 years of experience in the energy sector, Gashogar, a company specialised in the commercialization of natural gas over the national Spanish territory, has decided to go a step further with the launch of the new project “Efiplus”.

A pioneering system in Spain based on batch technology (Internet of Objects), Efiplus allows gas and electricity building owners to measure consumptions in real time for the purpose of ensuring the monitoring of their overall energy consumption.

In practical terms, “Efiplus” consists of easily converting classic gas meters into smart meters thanks to the installation of automatic, remote metering data reading solutions, via ATEX certified, Enless Wireless transmitters.

Efiplus is innovative equipment in the sense that it is easily integrated into the gas and electricity building networks, without requiring a rework of existing systems. Each day and thanks to the IoT, consumptions can be viewed in real time via software made available to the fleet managers, free of charge. This management software allows consumption reports to be generated with a predefined frequency and alarm systems to be programmed in the event that thresholds are exceeded, for varied objectives and benefits:

  • Prediction / estimation of future bills
  • Detection of inefficiencies or areas for improvement
  • Detection of incidents and abnormal consumptions (leaks, etc.)

Enless Wireless ATEX wireless transmitters at the heart of the project

The Efiplus pilot project that kicked off at the beginning of the year, concerns 160 initial systems equipped with as many smart metering wireless transmitters certified ATEX – Atmospheres Explosive from Enless Wireless. Operating according to the Sigfox operated communications mode, the data read by the transmitters according to a pre-selected frequency, are sent to the Sigfox operator’s Spanish Cellnex Cloud to then be analysed and displayed via the management software developed by Gashogar.

Dset Solutions, a Spanish energy efficiency specialist, through its Dset Energy branch and distributor of Enless Wireless IoT solutions, relates: “The Enless Wireless ATEX smart metering solutions were perfectly adapted to the needs of our customer, a leading company in the gas sector. The reliability of Enless products, their rapid, efficient adaptation to the Gashogar company, and their excellent quality/price ratio, makes it the ideal solution!” 

Lucía Sancho, Efiplus Project Manager within Gashogar adds: “Thanks to its easy installation, Enless has supplied us with a simple, quick to implement custom solution. The technical expertise of Enless associated with the wireless communication mode (IoT), allows us to achieve the objectives of the “Efiplus” project.

And after that?

Thanks to the Efiplus project, Gashogar has become the first national distributor to offer its customers, a 100% free consumption management service.

Currently in the development phase – the pilot phase has allowed us to equip the first 160 systems-, the goal of the Efiplus project is to provide 100% customer coverage in the near future.

‘“The initial feedback is extremely positive, and we are continuing to advance the project efficiently”. Lucía Sancho, from Efiplus tells us.

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