Home | Social housing : remote energy monitoring and comfort surveillance thanks to the Sigfox IoT

Social housing : remote energy monitoring and comfort surveillance thanks to the Sigfox IoT



Since the month of March 2020, a dozen social housing buildings located in Saint-Pierre les Corps in France, have been integrated into a remote energy surveillance project.

The prime objective of this project is the optimisation of maintenance and monitoring of the site. In other terms it is about limiting unjustified maintenance interventions by remotely assessing the need for workers to go there in person.



A project involving different stakeholders


Since its creation in 2012, Sysmotic, a subsidiary of the Sys&Com group and a BMS integrator and specialist in automated systems, has focused its activities on the sale of programmable logic controllers (PLCs). While based in Nantes, it has subsidiaries in Vannes, Tours and in the Vendee region (France).

Sysmotic is a long-time partner of Enless Wireless, the two players having had the opportunity to work together many times on IoT projects concerning the monitoring of energy performance, first of all based on the Wireless 868 MHz and then the 169 MHz M-Bus .

Sysmotic, in partnership with Alpha Ohméga Syst’M, took over the integration of the project and the installation of the systems on behalf of Eiffage Energy Systems, in charge of the maintenance of the heating and domestic hot water installations



12 buildings equipped with nearly 60 Enless Wireless temperature radio transmitters


The IoT project has been deployed in the operated communication mode on the Sigfox network and the site benefits from good coverage of all its 12 buildings.

In total 42 Enless Wireless ambient temperature transmitters communicating via the Sigfox protocol, have been located within the lodgings as well as 14 temperature transmitters with contact probes, hooked up to the domestic hot water networks of the 6 sub-stations of the site.

These transmitters are all equipped with very long-life, D type batteries and have been configured according to a 30-minute transmission frequency, allowing the on-site maintenance crews not to have to change the batteries during 5 year term of the current energy performance contracts.

The goal of the regular monitoring of the ambient temperatures within the living quarters of each lodging, is to guarantee the tenants, a minimum comfort temperature of 19°C, at all times.

The monitoring of temperatures on the outlets and returns of the domestic hot water network is especially useful for detecting problems in the system. Health risks due to the potential development of legionella bacteria are also avoided.



Real time display of the data for maximum reactivity


The display and analysis of the temperature data relayed periodically by the Enless Wireless transmitters via the Kheiron display platform from IoThink.

It provides an overall view of the sites monitored (via the general group views) and also targeted displays of each item of equipment or room concerned.

Its desktop and mobile versions (responsive app) allow maintenance crews, on or off the site, to consult the data in real time.

High and low temperature thresholds have been set, which when crossed, allow alarms to be sent by e-mail to the maintenance manager of the site concerned. For example, for probes monitoring the ambient temperatures within the lodgings, a lower threshold of 19°C has been chosen.  In case of alerts, the crews can intervene on site to apply corrective actions such as the adjustment or replacement of HVAC equipment.

Example of general group view – Kheiron, IoThink


Example of targeted displays in desktop and mobile format – Kheiron, IoThink


“The installation was very simple to implement. We had very good relations with the Enless teams as well as with the teams from IoThink, the software publisher, who helped us configure the Enless Wireless probes, relaying to their platform. The remote surveillance will allow our customer to drastically limit the unjustified maintenance operations and their associated costs” according to Yannick Vacher, manager at Sysmotic


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